Rivera Cuale and PEACE River Clean-up April 18th

On Sunday, April 18th, Rivera Cuale celebrated Earth Day early with a massive clean-up of the Cuale River, thanks to the joint efforts of PEACE and the community. On a perfect, sunny morning, the volunteers started rolling in to the grounds of Rivera Cuale, where they chatted with friends as they received their specially-made logoed T-shirts, garbage bags and rubber gloves. Over a 30-minute period, the volunteers just kept coming in, until there were 89 in total! Many were teens from the local American and British American Schools, their teachers, volunteers from PEACE and from the community in general, and about 30 kids and moms from the El Caloso neighborhood. Some of the volunteers came all the way from Punta de Mita!

Vallarta Adventures sent out a couple of their guys, who helped to educate the kids on separating garbage and get them organized, as well as to use one of their trucks to gather the dozens upon dozens of full garbage bags afterwards. PV Pulse also sent out a team, and Rivera Cuale staff helped out with the clean-up and to keep things running smoothly.

Once the many clean-up groups were formed, they all set off to clean along and in the river within the surrounding area. After about an hour and a half, the volunteers returned to Rivera Cuale, where they enjoyed a picnic-style lunch on the grounds around the gardens, just relaxingand soaking up the sun and the good feeling of camaraderie. Rivera Cuale, PEACE and a few of the volunteers prepared food for the lunch, and a giant THANK YOU goes out to Uncommon Grounds Chill Out Lounge, Los Arbolitos Restaurant and Red Cabbage Cafe for their generous lunch contributions.

Of noteworthy mention is a special project that a bunch of the kids were working on throughout the lunch. One of the event organizers from PEACE had thoughtfully brought along canvases and paints with her, and the kids sat in circles on the grass all working together on large banners, painting words and images encouraging environmental awareness and care. The banners were later added to by kids attending a PEACE Earth Week event in Bucerias, and then finally by kids in Punta de Mita where the banners are being hung in the PEACE community center. Also, to recognize the kids who came out to the river clean-up, PEACE awarded them all participation certificates!

The event was a great success, and the joint effort banding together communities from different neighborhoods across two states was tremendous and heart-warming. Thank you to each and every one of the volunteers who donated their time and energy to make it happen.