Benefit for PEACE Night a Great Success

On January 21st, Rivera Cuale hosted a benefit for PEACE, a non-profit organization in the Puerto Vallarta area dedicated to various initiatives in the community. (

About 80 people attended, with the over $10,000 pesos raised from ticket sales being put towards PEACE free spay/neuter clinics for animals. Another $1000 pesos were raised through the sale of handicrafts made by PEACE women’s co-op, Manos Unidas por la Mujer. 

The evening began with handicraft shopping in the model apartment, and a cocktail party around the pool. Then came the al fresco screening of the film entitled “Home” for the audience in seats lining the riverfront. The film features beautiful photography of Earth and documents man’s harsh environmental impact; but, it also leaves off with a positive note of hope for change.

Beverages, snacks, an old-fashioned popcorn machine and excellent service were provided by Fusion Catering, who helped with their own contribution to this fundraising event. 

Rivera Cuale extends thanks to all who attended, Fusion Catering, and the good people at PEACE for all they do in the community and for helping to make this event a great success.